Opening hours: Monday – Friday 10-18. Or by appointment.
30 50 20 40 Dansk English
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Approximately 15-20% of people in Denmark experience anxiety at some point in their lives.

Anxiety can be debilitating and life-limiting, often leading to social isolation and avoidance behaviors. Get effective help to overcome anxiety through hypnosis.

Examples where hypnosis works for anxiety:

Hypnosis can be highly effective in managing and alleviating various types of anxiety. Here are some examples where hypnosis has proven to be helpful:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):Hypnosis helps individuals reframe negative thought patterns, reduce stress, and increase relaxation, making it easier to manage ongoing anxiety.

Social Anxiety: Hypnotherapy can help individuals change their perceptions of social situations, reduce fear of judgment, and boost confidence in social interactions.

Phobias (e.g., fear of flying, heights, spiders):Through hypnosis, individuals can desensitize themselves to specific phobias by retraining their subconscious mind to respond calmly instead of with fear.

Performance Anxiety:For those experiencing anxiety before public speaking, presentations, or performances, hypnosis can help calm nerves, focus the mind, and improve overall performance.

Panic Attacks:Hypnotherapy can guide individuals to better control their physical reactions during panic attacks, reducing the severity and frequency of the episodes.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):Hypnosis can assist in processing traumatic memories, helping individuals feel less overwhelmed by past events and more in control of their emotions.

Health-Related Anxiety:For people dealing with anxiety over health concerns or diagnoses, hypnosis can provide relaxation and reduce catastrophic thinking.

In these cases, hypnosis works by addressing the root causes of anxiety, calming the mind and body, and promoting a healthier, more balanced response to stress and fear.

I offer hypnosis for anxiety at my clinic in central Copenhagen.

I am, among other things, a member of

Hypnose København - Dansk Psykoterapeutforening Danish Psychotherapy Association
ID-Psykoterapeutforeningen - Hypnose KøbenhavnID Psychotherapy Association
National Guild of Hypnosis - Hypnose KøbenhavnNational Guild of Hypnosis

Through hypnosis and therapy,
you can receive help for things like:

Sleep issues
Physical fatigue
Memory problems
Unexplained sadness
Increased use of stimulants
Can be warning signs of stress.
Do you suffer from:
Performance anxiety
Fear of losing control
Indefinable anxiety
Compulsive thoughts
General anxiety
Examination anxiety.
Do you suffer from:
Excessive fear of spiders
Fear of flying
Fear of heights
Excessive fear of snakes
Hypnosis can help.
3050 2040